My Grandpa passed away on Saturday. I had an opportunity to go and see him when I was home this past Christmas, and I chose instead to what..?? I think I saw a movie, or something equally as insignificant and stupid. Passing on what would have been my last opportunity to see him, will go down as my biggest
disappointment this century. I was even fairly warned that "this may be your last chance to see him" .. but I didn't pay heed, and now I definately regret it. Don't ever pass up an opportunity to spend time with a loved one..you never know when it's the last.
My grandpa was the most fascinating and mysterious person in the world to me.
Every time we went to visit him, I would marvel at his latest artistic endeavor. My grandpa was always creating. He painted, he designed buildings, he carved 3' high chess pieces from wood and
intricate walking staffs, he
built waterfalls in his back yard, he wrote poetry..and the list goes on. Since I myself have never wanted anything more in life, than to possess some great artist talent, I idolized my grandpa because he seemed to possess them all. My grandpa smoked cigars when I was really young, and although he quit years ago, I still think about him every time I smell one, and it's strangely uplifting and comforting.
Every year, without fail, he would send a birthday card. I moved around
alot, so I was always amazed that he always tracked down my current address. He would send his latest poem inside the standard card with the "raggedy
ann" painting he had done years and years ago on the front.
I kept them all in my photo album. I wanted to share one of them.
When the first stars were flung into space I was there.
When the sun dies and devours the earth and the planets, I'll still be aware.
There is a nobility and goodness to all men and all women.
There is a purpose to life and that is to gain knowledge and understanding of self and others.
Love is the most important and powerful part of life.
To love and be loved is the greatest joy of all.
Man is that he might have joy and happiness.
The pain and suffering we may endure is life's way of guiding us to truth and understanding.
There is a radiance and glory to life that is available to all.
We have only to ask and it is ours.
I live. You live.
I am,
therefore I shall always be that I am.
And the glory and goodness of life is ours to share forever.
Rest in peace grandpa. You were always such and
tremendous inspiration to me. I love you and I'll miss you.