The "genius" kitty..and I mean "genuis" in the same loving way that people look at ugly babies with pitty in their eyes and call them "sweet". Cassady is a "Hemmingway" cat, which means she has an extra thumb on her two front paws. Apparently, this extra thumb hinders her ability to be graceful, like little kitties should be. Cassidy quite often misses her target when trying to leap from one object (say..the couch).. to another (the bookshelf...only a foot and a half away) she also has a tendency to randomly fall off of perfectly flat and stable objects. We love our poor "kitty- skills" challenged kitty because she has been a tremendous source of laughter in our house. I'm pretty sure she is starting to catch on to this though, because while she used to be a lap kitty who couldn't get enough attention, she now refuses to sit on our laps or be held, and she sits and stares at us as if to say "You guys are all ass holes..and I KNOW your fucking laughing at ME!"
Enter Tonto....
Enter Tonto....
One thing that Cassidy has never been able to grasp, is that no matter how long and how hard you paw at a window, you are not digging your way through it, but bless her soul if she doesn't try her damnedest.... All-the-while, Tonto the Tyrannical Taunter, runs from one end of the screen to the other...laughing hysterically, and I'm sure if you were on the other side of this window you would hear a munchkin voice saying "nah nana nah nah can't get me"
Meet Moon....
Well..this is moon when she was younger, but it's the only picture I have presently availble. Moon could not care less about the stupid lizard in the stupid window....She always hits her mark, she never falls over, she's far too smart to fall for the laser pointer spinning her in circles, and she looks at us as if to say "you're all fucking idiots..."
Moon is the favorite
1 comment:
When did you get another cat? Don't you have enough wildlife residing in your abode?
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