1. I'm working two jobs now and it's sucking the life out of me and who wants to read a blog about spreadsheets and more spreadsheets??
2. I'm working 60 hours a week now, so you tell me..between THAT, episodes of Weeds, a bottle of wine a night (for mental health reasons), and my absolutley required-in-order-to-function 8 hours of sleep..where does blogging fit?? ... (hint: it Doesn't).
3. I've been running around the house naked and free all summer and enjoying the new backyard I slaved over all spring while Tayler was off to CA with her dad...in my but only in my daydreams because.......... see #1.
4. I've been jet-setting around the world and galavanting across the globe seeking out adventures and thrills...but only when I close my eyes at night...In realy life I couldn't even afford a realy honeymoon this summer...hence #2.
5. I've been putting all of my effort into holding onto the tiniest last shred of sanity I have left....reason: see above.
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