Wednesday, September 3, 2008

That Whole Bristol Situation..My Two Cents goes...this is my rant.

I grew up in a very right-wing, Republican and Mormon home. I was taught that if you have sex before you are married you get a one-way ticket straight to hell, you do not pass go, you do not collect $200. I was NOT taught anything about birth control, about choices, or even what the very act of sex was...I never got the sex talk..other than, "don't do it or you're damned".. and there certainly was NOT an open line of communication regarding anything of a sexual nature with any of the adults in my life.

I was pregnant at 17 too.

An while, I certainly cannot and do not blame my parents for the stupid actions I took ... it's obvious that...

Teaching abstinence does NOT WORK!

Ignorance does not keep our children, or the rest of the population from harm, in fact, it increases the chances of people doing something stupid or making ill-informed or careless decisions.

Right winged philosophy has and will continue to encourage ignorance..and that folks, is why our country is where it is today.


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