Monday, November 24, 2008

Because Who Doesn't Love a Sexy & Witty Serial Killer???

One item on my very long, very involved list of self-indulgences would include this show:

If you have not seen it. What the hell is wrong with you? If you have seen it...holy this not the BEST season EVER!!!!
Ross and I watch it religiously every Sunday...and if Ross happens to be out of town..I am FORBID to even THINK about glancing at it with out him present. For one, he gets very very jealous any time I get to indulge in something he has to abstain from, and two, he knows he'll have to listen to me gloat about said indulgence and my threats to spoil the plot entirely should he upset me in anyway.
If you have showtime, it's not too late! They run all of their episodes on Show-on-demand...go now...hurry...You'll LOOOOOVE it...I promise!!

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