Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Few of My Most Random Thoughts Today

Dear girl down the sound like an elephant when you walk..seriously..the men weigh more than you and don't make half the it really that necessary to stomp like that...does it REALLY make you feel THAT powerful and "in charge"???

I'm a daily Dooce reader...I read today that she's pregnant...It made me a little bit a bit...........uh oh.

I am elated to have witnessed and participated in such a monumental election this feels good to know that society is progressing...hopefully we can ALL progress to giving EVERYONE equal rights soon.

There's been a mass exodus from Myspace to Facebook...Don't ask me to explain it...must be like flying South for the winter or something.

This is me...Scott....and my mother-in-law...who is so much cooler than your mother-in-law could ever dream to be!

This is also why my wedding was seriously the best wedding EVER..I mean c'mon..did you and your mother-in-law simultaneously bite the nipple rings of your friend in bondage gear at your wedding??....I didn't think so. obsessing
Tayler made honor roll this past Friday for the very first time in her now 6-year school career. I am so proud of her...I am so grateful for 5mg of adderall daily.
And I should probably be on Xanax.
That's all for now.

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